If you have not taken part in the Derbyshire County Hockey Academy before, please register for an account on this site and then follow the admin instructions below.


The training sessions will be held at The Ellis Astro, Shobnall

Each age group will have a 1.5hr session on each date.


22nd SeptTraining #1All age groups
29th SeptTraining #2All age groups
27th OctTraining #3All age groups
1st DecTraining #4All age groups
5th JanTraining #5All age groups
26th JanTraining #6All age groups
2nd MarchTraining #1aAll age groups
23rd MarchTraining #2aU13, U14, U15
27th AprilTraining #3aU13 only

The detailed TRAINING SCHEDULE can be found on the website.


U1309:30 – 11:00
U14, U15, U16/1711:15 – 12:45

Please check regularly with your squad manager, and on this website for any updates

As we operate a policy of continual assessment and in order to make the most of the coaching, players should attend as many sessions as possible


The cost for the first 6 training sessions will be £72, payable in advance.

The cost for the additional training sessions in March and April will be £12/session, payable in advance to:-

Derbyshire Hockey Association


Sort Code: 40-15-20

Account Number: 52046415

Please use Reference: Age group Initial Surname eg.   U15B M Abel


DateFriendly FixturesFinal Tournaments
Sunday 17th NovemberU13, U14, U15, U17
Sunday 15th DecemberU13, U14, U15, U17
Sunday 9th FebruaryU13, U14, U15, U17
Sunday 9th March U13, U14, U15 U17
Sunday 6th April U13 U14, U15
Sunday 4th MayU13

If numbers allow, we will enter U13, U14, U15 and U16/17 competitions.

Match fees will be £6, collected on the day

Your first point of contact should be your Academy Manager.

Session Register:

Please arrive 10 mins before your session start time and wait in the designated area. On arrival you must sign in with your Coach or Squad Manger.


No special kit is required for training, however players should not wear school or hockey club kit.

Derbyshire Hockey hoodies and shower jackets can be ordered HEREif you wish.

We will again be offering the opportunity for players to purchase a Derbyshire Hockey t-shirt. A simple purple cotton T, with Derbyshire Hockey branding, suitable for wearing for training or just as a casual top. These are available to anyone taking part in Derbyshire Hockey activities, but are by no means compulsory – they are not required kit. They will be available to purchase at the training sessions.

Socks can be purchased at Academy training sessions in September.

You will need your own navy shorts/skort

Players will should bring the following, but please keep bags to a minimum:

  • Stick
  • Shin pads
  • Gum shield
  • Water bottle
  • Spare white t shirt
  • Waterproof jacket
  • Medication (inhalers,etc)

and are advised to bring their own personal first aid kit and hand sanitiser where possible.

All personal items should be labelled with the player’s name.


We are always looking for extra help coaching, managing teams, umpiring, helping with admin etc, so if any parents would like to get more involved, in any way, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

If you have any questions, please contact Judy or Sarah